One of the most popular fashion accessories that have survived nearly all fashion trends is the handbag. Indeed, a handbag is an extension of a woman’s style and personality. Unfortunately, fabric handbags from big brands can be extremely expensive. One solution is to make your own bag. Customizing personal handbags with embroidery patterns will save you a lot of money and make your bag appear unique and classy.
Embroidery is a unique form of sewing, using different types of needles, and various colours of thread. Be it in any shape, symbol or colour, embroidery is one of the simplest art forms that anyone can do and enjoy on handbags. You can use a variety of materials ranging from cotton, wool and jute to leather and plastic as well. The wide range of available materials enables you to make the choice according to your budget and personal needs. You can pick your favourite colours and for a little extra money, you can add your desired embellishments.
Simple DIY steps to decorate your own handbag
Step 1: Get a bag
Not every woman wants to or can create a handbag from scratch. Designing and sewing a quality bag takes a lot of skill and time. Thus, it's better to buy a high-quality bag from the market first. There are many different patterns and templates you can purchase, however, do consider the material you want to use before buying.
You are free to pick any style you want, but you should have the foresight to decide whether or not the design will look good on the surface it will be embroidered.
Step 2: Iron your handbag
To remove any wrinkles on the fabric, iron your bag well. Having a clean and well-ironed bag is crucial when it comes to decorating with hand embroidery.
Step3: Select the design
No embroidery design is considered complete without some message attached to it. You can select from a stock of fonts or if you have any particular style in mind, you can select it too.
Step 4: Step choose the appropriate colours
You can choose the desired colours from a catalogue of thread colours. If you already have some colour in mind then you have to choose the appropriate thread colours from the catalogue.
Step 5: Stitch the embroidery pattern
Print your chosen pattern on the printable paper, peel off its backing and then paste it onto your handbag where you want to stitch. Make use of floss, needle size and an embroidery hoop to stitch up your design. You can experiment with different embroidery styles and a mix of different styles to create an astounding work of art.
Step 6: Rinse out the pattern
After you’ve finished the stitching, let the canvas dry flat for at least 24 hours. Once the stitched bag is completely dry, check its both sides and press the fabric again to remove any wrinkles.
These are some steps that you need to follow! From selecting the fabric to the embroidery pattern, make your choice according to your needs and start decorating your handbag with a great piece of artwork.
To get the different embroidery supplies, contact Habiknit, a leading UK retailer for knitting yarns and associated crafts. Visit our website to shop for the best knitting and stitching supplies.